Change My Face to Change Habits: New AI powered app improving health

April 4, 2024
Change My Face to Change Habits: New AI powered app improving health

We’re living in a time where lifestyles and habits have shifted significantly. People are looking to the future with different priorities than previous years, with many focussing on taking a proactive approach to their health and wellbeing. It’s all about changing mindsets.

The mission of Change My Face has always been to promote and encourage healthy lifestyle choices. Through their innovative face changing software they empower individuals to visualize their future, and to feel empathy for their future selves. Seeing how today’s choices impact on the way we’ll look in a few years’ time is a trigger for change. Seeing an unhealthy version of your future self means you’re more likely to make changes today!

Change My Face’s New Business to Business App

Behind the scenes, the team at Change My Face have been developing a new B2B app which focuses on how lifestyle impacts future health and wealth. While the technology that powers the app will remain the same, the app has been designed to be fully customizable meaning that it can be used through a smartphone or desktop for a variety of purposes across many sectors. It also has the capability of accommodating a business’ logo and can incorporate specific colours, content and imagery to mirror a brand’s unique look and feel.

Having such an agile app enables the technology to reach even more people and to improve the lives of so many across the world.

Auriole Prince, the founder of Change My Face, has secured funding from ERDF and the University of the West of England to part finance this new app. She says, “ We are so excited to have been given the opportunity to build an app based on the requirements of our customers. So far, we’ve only been able to offer access to an API for businesses but having a ‘ready to use’ app, means that many more can benefit from the Change My Face technology to improve future outcomes, from those in Education and Research to small and medium sized companies wanting to engage customers.”

Positive influential experiences for your customers

The new app, using neural networking, invites customers to upload a picture of themselves and step into the future to see what their face is predicted to look like in 10 and 20 years’ time based on normal ageing versus their current lifestyle.

Your customers will also have the option to tweak their lifestyle habits, So, if they decide to change one or more things, such as reduce their intake of sugary food, invest in a pension, or use sunscreen, they can indicate this on the app and be presented with what their face will look like based on this healthier lifestyle.

Users of the Change My Face technology are amazed at how even the smallest adjustments can affect the face.

Auriole says, “ Small achievable changes can make a huge impact on individuals, families, workplaces, and communities. Faces reveal a lot about our health and understanding this is incredibly powerful for today’s consumers, this knowledge influences their future lifestyle choices.”

Giving customers the power, and the mindset, to do something positive for themselves is priceless. When a customer can visualize why they are making changes, and have a tangible goal to work towards, they become more inspired and motivated to continue with the change in habit or lifestyle.”

Customers have the option to answer questions related to their diet, drinking, exercise, stress, pollution, dental hygiene, sun exposure, sleep, smoking, drug use and financial situation. This makes the app suitable for a wealth of sectors, including finance, skincare, education and research, PR, marketing and overall customer engagement.

Curiosity to fuel your marketing strategies

Organisations can tap into the curiosity of their customers and offer them more than just a one-off online experience.

  • Make it a part of your sales funnel by asking users to provide an email address to receive further information about your products or services that will benefit their health.
  • Showcase the benefits of your offerings by utilizing the Change My Face software to deliver large scale experiences at roadshows and events.
  • Licenses to use the technology can be long or short term depending on your needs.

For more information on how the Change My Face technology can both boost the health of your customers and increase the awareness of what your company can do to help them, get in touch with us today.

Originally published at on October 29, 2021.