Urgh. The party’s over and we all want to feel and look healthier post festivities, but how can we achieve this with the least amount of effort? After all, feeling good on the inside means we feel happier too. Our mantra is that small changes can make a big difference.
If you’ve made the decision to lose weight, the best thing you can do is to plan a simple routine that works for you. It’s not advisable to join a gym and hit every class going — this just isn’t sustainable and you’re likely to burn out quickly.
Creating a routine that suits you and fits around your responsibilities is key. You’re more likely to experience quick wins and this feeling of success will fuel your motivation to keep going.
Remember, don’t adopt a routine that you’re not going to be able to maintain because it won’t last for long. Even small changes to your lifestyle will do wonders for your health. Here are 10 easy ways to help you bounce back after the Christmas festivities.
Run for 10 minutes a day: even a short run can have a postive effect on your physical and mental wellbeing, leaving your skin glowing
Eat plain yogurt every day: improving your gut health, increasing your bone strength & reducing your blood pressure
Cut 10 per cent of your red and processed meat intake: reducing inflammation leading to age related diseases and reducing puffiness around the jawline
Try not to eat late at night: consuming a later dinner and midnight snacking reduces your glucose tolerance
Skip for ten minutes a day: strengthening your bones and improving your heart health as well as increasing oxygen levels to your skin
Spend an hour or more outdoors every day: connecting with nature and keeping moving can help longevity as well as reducing stress lines on your face
Squeeze in 1,000 extra steps a day: even this small amount can help you live healthier for longer and maintain a healthy weight
Have 3 alcohol free days a week: allowing your liver to recover can reduce risk of cancer and heart disease, as well as losing the redness around your cheeks nose and eyes
Take a vitamin D supplement: helping to boost your immune system, especially in the Winter months when you’re more susceptable to colds and flu
Add 2 more fruits or veg to your daily diet: lowering your risk of chronic health conditions including cognitive decline and improving the clarity of your skin and eyes
Make some small changes for your future self. Try our demo. Happy New Year!
Originally published at https://changemyface.com on January 5, 2022.